Emmanuel Macron will give his position “in the summer”

Emanuel Macron. (Archives) AFP-SEBASTIEN NOGIER

French President Emmanuel Macron said Thursday, February 9, to have ” speak ” with Volodymyr Zelensky of a possible exclusion of Russian athletes from the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, demanded by the Ukrainian president, while specifying that he would personally decide “ in the summer “. At the end of January, President Zelensky asked Emmanuel Macron that the Russians be banned from the next Olympic Games (July 26-August 11, 2024), due to the invasion launched almost a year ago by Moscow in Ukraine. Despite repeated appeals from kyiv, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is now pushing international federations to consider their participation “ under neutral banner “. According to the French president, the IOC’s position ” does not cover the period of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games to be held in France ». « It is in the summer that we will have a review clause and that we will assess it according to the circumstances, and according to what is held on the ground. “, he added. Asked to give his position as president of the host country, he replied: “ I’ll tell you when there’s a date clause, I’m not going to answer you today a question that doesn’t arise ».


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