1860 Munich: Lions defeat at the bottom of the table Meppen – Sport

With a petrified expression, Günther Gorenzel stood on the sidelines in the last few minutes. He saw how his team, in this case Jesper Verlaat with a header, failed one last time in the 92nd minute at the opposing goalkeeper Erik Domaschke. And then he saw how the previous bottom of the table SV Meppen celebrated their first win after 17 (!) games without three points. For Gorenzel, the sports director of the third division football team TSV 1860 Munich, there is only one point after two games. “A very bitter defeat” he diagnosed, which “all in all was certainly unfortunate”.

Added to the total of the accident were two post hits by Raphael Holzhauser from a free kick (30th) and by substitute Yannick Deichmann (71st), a possible dismissal against Meppen’s 1-0 goalscorer Marek Janssen shortly before the break, which was not given. an alleged tendon injury by Leandro Morgalla (22nd) – and numerous scenes in which Domaschke thwarted good chances. The lions also added a few positions to the misfortune account: With the two goals scored by Janssen (19th) and Marcos Alvarez (58th), they conceded “goals that you are not allowed to concede”, as striker Marcel Bär put it at Magentasport . And above all: When it came to coping with the renewed deficit in the second half, they were “perhaps too harmless” offensively, not only from Bär’s point of view (and not just maybe).

Bär, who regained his regular place under Gorenzel, had equalized just before the break; Holzhauser had initiated the attack, so that the outstanding quarter of an hour of winter access at the end of the first half was ended appropriately. The impression that the lions had brought the game to their side under Holzhauser’s direction was quickly gone after the change of sides. “We are in a really difficult situation, everyone can see that,” said Bär. The traveling fans rolled up their flags ten minutes before the final whistle. When the referee blew the whistle, the block was almost empty. The players refrained from the obligatory walk to the fans – because they were not there.

Neudecker scores late for Saarbrücken: Even the relegation place is now five points behind

After the defeat at the last player, there is no longer any need to think about promotion, the big goal that was set at the beginning of the season: Even to the relegation place, there are now five points behind after the competitors Dresden (3:2 in Verl) and Saarbrücken (2:1 at Borussia Dortmund II with a goal from last year’s sixty Richard Neudecker in the 85th minute) won their Saturday games. The hope that Gorenzel himself would put the individually upscale squad back on the right path after the dismissal of coach Michael Köllner was not fulfilled in the first two games.

At the same time, the managing director put together external candidates for the coaching position, even on “a short list and a long list”. So, will anyone move to the sidelines from either of those two lists next week? “One will see,” said Gorenzel. This ultimately requires an agreement between the association, President Robert Reisinger and the investor side around Hasan Ismaik on a necessary budget increase. And after not succeeding for almost two weeks since the separation from Köllner, that could also prove difficult in the third week.

That’s why Stefan Lex remained vague when asked about a new coach: “We can’t influence what’s going on in the background.” But who knows, maybe the players have influenced it – with this defeat in Meppen.


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