The G3 Children’s and Youth Tennis Tournament was disputed – El Sol de San Luis

The hard courts of Club Forma and Potosino Tennis Center hosted the G3 Children’s and Youth Tennis Tournament organized by the Potosina Tennis Association (APT).

Acceptable was the participation of children and young people from categories 10 to 18 years old in both branches, in the singles and doubles modalities, which were even due to the level that the tennis players from the different participating clubs and academies have been acquiring.

In the results that occurred in Club Forma, the 10-year-old category registered Javier Gómez Zuviri as champion, leaving Hiram Alonso Bravo in second position.

The 12-year-old male category threw Matías Lozano as champion, Lucas Gómez being second. In this same but in the women’s branch, the place of honor went to Paola Bosco González, staying with the second place María Fernanda Delgadillo.

In the 16 years for boys, the first place went to Rafael Tiscareño Celorio, leaving David Hernández in second place. In this same but feminine, the first place was María Rodríguez Cerda, and second place was Rebeca Sánchez Calderón.

Regarding the Potosino Tennis Center located inside Parque Tangamanga 1, in the 10-year-old female category, Ana Rafaela Reséndiz was in first place; while second place Arllemy Livier Olivas. In the men’s category, the place of honor was taken by Patrick Engberg, beating Diego Salazar, who finished in second position.

Finally, in the 10-year-old doubles modality, the Patrick Engberg/Alexander Rivera couple was in first place, defeating Ángel Salas/Mariano Rincón, to leave them in second place.


In the end, a trophy was awarded to the first two places in each branch and category in both venues.


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