In poor condition basketball court of the Municipal Gymnasium – El Sol de Parral

In poor condition is the basketball court, located outside the Municipal Auditorium Gymdue to the lack of maintenance, it is already worn the floor of the sports areaeven people stopped attending to practice this sport, the town indicated that the rehabilitation of this space may be included within the work options in the Participatory budget.

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It is notorious the deterioration that currently has the basketball court outside the Municipal Auditorium Gymthis sports space was restored during the Administration of Miguel Jurado Contreras, in the Administration from 2013 to 2016; however, since then the aforementioned field has not received maintenance.

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Arriving at the place, you can see a canchalready worn from the floor, the cement layer it contained thinned over time and now shows a kind of gravel, in which the people who come cannot play; Likewise, las divisionI know that there is where to shoot the shots to the basket, they were erased.

To one side of the basketball courtthere are some devices for the exercisesthese are still in good condition, same as they were installed by the Inmudepadepartment that supports sport, in them, andthe public can do different types of exercises to strengthen muscles.

Among these devices are to do sit-ups, chest and leg exercisesa, parallel bars for the arms, the canoe a type of bicycle, abs machine and parallel bars to strengthen the arms, on one side you can see the indications to do well exercises and instructions of use.

Ramiro Pérez, a person who attends this sports area to rest, indicated that; “Before the young people came to take a shell”, since it also has two fast soccer goals, some to play a game of basketball; However, now people don’t go for the poor field conditionsonly a few in the afternoons.

The the mayorCésar Peña Valles, pointed out that within the proposals that are going to be put into the works of the Participatory Budget, there is the restoration of this basketball courtas well as the bridge construction of the neighborhood of Spain, a work that the water took her away of the past rains in September.

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indicated that these have been two of the proposals of the people so that they are included within the works of the Participatory Budgetsaid that there will be five proposals where people will be able to vote for one of themthe Municipality is inviting people to come with their proposal so that they are taken into account, it will be the same people who choose which of these works will be the winner.


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