no problem between Messi and Mbappé according to Galtier

The Parisian coach took stock of potential bickering between the Parisian protagonists of the recent World Cup final in Qatar.

Water in the gas? The Argentinians did not fail to chamber Kylian Mbappé after their victory over France in the World Cup final, and in particular their goalkeeper, Emiliano Martinez. The latter has probably misinterpreted remarks by the French striker dating from May about South American football. Insults, mockery, it’s all gone. And Leo Messi, failing to have taken part, obviously did not do much to calm things down. Enough to imagine a difficult reunion between the Pulga and Mbappé? “What happened in the celebrations belongs to the Argentines, I don’t have to deal with the case of the goalkeeper. What is important is what I saw in the final. I saw Leo and Kylian take hands, it’s a sign, there is a lot of respect between them. There is also Kylian’s exemplary attitude after the match, before the trophy presentation he congratulated Leo and the Argentine coach (Lionel Scaloni). I remain attached to this: the relationship between Kylian and Leo, that’s what I’m attached to“, said Christophe Galtier this Tuesday, at a press conference, on the eve of the reception of Strasbourg in Ligue 1.

And the Parisian coach to add, just to dismiss the idea of ​​a problem: “It’s not Leo who chambered, we have to leave him out of it. What I saw after the final, what I have experienced for four months here, there is no reason to mix everything up. The goalkeeper’s behavior is what it is, I don’t have to comment on it. What is important is the relationship between Kylian and Leo. Kylian had a very good attitude despite the disappointment of having lost the final. With a lot of know-how, a lot of class, he went to greet Leo, it’s good for the club, for the team.“Which act. Remember that Mbappé, 24, has already resumed training with Paris Saint-Germain. He will be available for this meeting of the 16th day of L1. Messi, 35, is only expected on the banks of the Seine on January 2 or 3. The Argentine world champion will therefore miss Strasbourg and the trip to Lens (01/01).

SEE ALSO – Mbappe? “The absolutely incredible fascination that there is around certain athletes today is completely disproportionate”


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