Carmaux. USC basketball on vacation

After the holidays, the N2 girls team will play maintenance.

On Saturday, the basketball players of the US Carmaux basket had put away the balloons to celebrate Christmas with the family, with all the children of the basketball school, the educators and the parents. The “Old” carmausin club, born in 1930, is thus faithful to a tradition, to preserve this conviviality which is the strength of the club, one of the most important in the department, with in particular its label Ecole française de minibasket 3 étoiles, teams in all the categories, from U20 to U9, and of course the senior women’s team which plays in N2, the only team at this level of competition in the department. For their 4th season in N2, the Gazelles are not at their best and finish the first leg in 9th place in the pool. A classification which does not quite correspond to the qualities and values ​​of the team trained by Guillaume Cormont and Bruno Haetty and which fights every Saturday with courage and without giving up anything, with a workforce of 7 players, unworthy and insufficient for this level of competition. The last match before the break is an example of this; short defeat 74-81 and tributes from the Montpellier coach. Maintenance is therefore the objective of the second part of the season. In view of the latest performances, especially against the leaders of the pool, the team deserves to be maintained. Unfortunately, recruitment to strengthen the team does not seem to be on the agenda, and it will continue its journey with 7 players!

In the meantime, the Gazelles can always count on their loyal fans, who will be present on January 28 at 8 p.m. for the Saint-Chamond reception.


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