Bernard Laporte will present candidates for the position of Deputy Chairman until a favorable vote is obtained

In a long press release, the president of the FFR revealed the process of appointing the president-delegate who will take over after his withdrawal. He will offer a first choice on January 6. Which will be subject to the approval of the clubs. In case of refusal, another name will be proposed, and so on…

In a long three-page press release, sent this Friday, Bernard Laporte sets the “rules of the game” regarding his future withdrawal from the presidency of the French Rugby Federation (FFR). While taking care to recall beforehand (in bold in the text…) that “notwithstanding the fact that the presumption of innocence is a right of public order which is essential and that I would be legally entitled to maintain myself in the functions that I occupy“, he confirms that he “will follow to the letter» the injunction of the Ethics and Professional Conduct Committee. Namely to fade behind a president-delegate. A “provisional and protective withdrawal, until the final criminal decision“. Which, he announces, will be effective at the end of the next Federal Office where he “will delegate to the vice-presidents and to the general manager, within the framework of their fields of competence, all of (his) prerogatives».

Then comes “the express designation of the Deputy President and his legitimation by a favorable vote of the clubs, as requested by the Minister of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games on December 22 during our interview“. Bernard Laporte reveals in his letter the process to come. He will propose a first name on January 6. This will be followed by an electronic and secure consultation of the 1,900 amateur clubs in the form of a single-choice question: “Are you in favor of appointing Mrs. X to be Deputy Chairman as of the Management Committee on January 27?»

A consultation which, and this is the latest novelty coming out of the hat, can be repeated as many times as necessary! “In the event that a majority of “NO” would emerge from a first consultation, I will submit a new proposal to a new consultation, until the moment when the clubs will legitimize this President-Delegate by a majority.“, warns Bernard Laporte. In other words, whoever the straw man (or woman) is, one has to be found. Which might not be easy as this consultation looks like a referendum for or against Laporte…

In his long press release, Bernard Laporte undertakes “formallyto respect several principles of this unprecedented withdrawal. To know, “non-participation in all the decision-making bodies of the FFR (Management Committee and Federal Office in particular); the prohibition to engage the legal responsibility of the FFR, in any way whatsoever, and consequently, the suppression of my power of signature; the abolition of all prerogatives of spokespersons for the FFR and official representation missions; my replacement on the GIP FRANCE2023 Board of Directors by the Deputy Chairman».


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