POL-F: 221128 – 1372 Frankfurt-Bahnhofsviertel: Baseball cap convicts perpetrators – robbers …

POL-F: 221128 – 1372 Frankfurt-Bahnhofsviertel: Baseball cap convicts perpetrators – robbers …

Police headquarters in Frankfurt am Main

Frankfurt (ots)

(di) Yesterday evening (November 27, 2022) there was a mugging in the station district. Parts of the stolen goods convicted the perpetrator a short time later. The police arrest a suspect.

A victim spoke to a police patrol in the station area yesterday at around 8:45 p.m. that he had been robbed in Moselstraße. When the facts were described, it emerged that a male perpetrator first tried to rob the victim of cash by hitting him in the face and trying to snatch the money from the victim’s hand. However, since this was unsuccessful, the perpetrator tore the baseball cap off the victim and fled.

As part of the manhunt that was initiated, the police officers were able to arrest the perpetrator shortly afterwards in the Niddastraße area of ​​the station district. One of the reasons for this was the fact that the perpetrator was still wearing the stolen cap on his head. The 40-year-old now has to answer on suspicion of robbery. He was released after the measures had been taken.

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Original content from: Police Headquarters Frankfurt am Main, transmitted by news aktuell


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