Women’s soccer | Spain wins its second U17 Women’s World Cup

The Spanish selection sub-17 was imposed by the minimum to Colombia and revalidated the world championship already achieved in 2018 (0-1). The lower categories are starring in a season for history. They are also champions of the U-20 World Cup against Japan, and the U-19 European Championship against Norway.

It was a historic day for Colombia, no team from the coffee team had so far managed to qualify for a World Cup final. It was also a day of vindication, after the contempt of the president of the federation, who stated that “the awards were for the professionals, they are just amateur girls”. And they did. The soccer players jumped onto the field with everything. energetic, with rhythm and speed with the ball. She led the attack by Linda Caicedo, who used her speed to demand the best version of her from Sofía Fuente. The Spanish goalkeeper had to pull out a providential hand in the first few minutes to prevent Gabriela’s first goal.

Spain went from less to more. He locked himself behind in the first minutes in a very good start for Colombia, but he was gaining territory and achieving superiorities as the first half went by. Most of the times they came with shots from outside the box. The first was that of Cristina, after the assistance of Vicky López, who forced Agudelo to leave. The international tried again from the front, which this time cleared the rear. The first was able to reach the end of the first half with Marina Artero’s header, after Vicky’s corner, which the goalkeeper caught again.

lucky goal

A disallowed goal against Cristina Librán for a handball, the best of the duel, changed the pace of the match. The referee assessed that the Madrid CFF player had pushed the ball with her wrist after seeing the action in the VAR. Then the fluidity of the selection gave way to a game very interrupted by constant fouls of the two national teams.

When Spain was playing worse, and Colombia was pressing harder with a tireless Caicedo, the team decided the match in an unfortunate action by Guzmán. Paula Partido attended Laia, with a shot that hit the defense of the coffee team to score the first and only goal of the match, with which Spain managed to revalidate the 2018 title.

Linda Caicedo scared the Spanish defense several times in the last minutes, but the Colombian’s lack of association at the end of the duel punished them. Gonzalo’s team had its best minutes of the second half at the end of the match. And Laia Martet, with a shot to the post, and Vicky, with a shot that went over Agudelo, were able to sentence the game in added time.


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