National judo champion considers the strategy #NoTeLaJueguesConLasDrogas a success

• Mauro Alexander Guatemala García is a student at TEBAEV.

Xalapa, Ver., October 28, 2022.- Within the framework of the implementation of the Education Safety Strategy #NoTeLaJueguesConLasDrogas, carried out by the Secretary of Education, Zenyazen Escobar García, at the Xalapa Higher Technological Institute , the national judo champion, Mauro Alexander Guatemala García, invited the children and youth of Veracruz to practice some sport and stay away from drug use.

“Look for an activity that catches your attention, that takes up your time and keeps you away from bad steps,” said the young student from the Telebachillerato “Moctezuma” in Xalapa, who has a sports scholarship from the Veracruz Sports Institute and pointed out as a good initiative this campaign.

The Secretary of Education reinforced the message of the young man from Veracruz by expressing that “good practices, good habits, are part of the comprehensive education promoted by the SEV, through different actions such as this strategy.”


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