Nadia Podoroska introduced her girlfriend, partner of the Argentine tennis team

Nadia Podoroska introduced her girlfriend, partner of the Argentine tennis team

This is Guillermina Naya, whose life story was noted in Clarín. The announcement followed a message from legend Billie Jean King.

Nadia Podoroska She is usually in the news for her tennis, which led her to be 36 in the world and semifinalist at Roland Garros in 2020, and that today has her returning to the circuit after going through a serious injury that forced her to move away from the courts.

Today, however, the 25-year-old Rosario returns to the headlines thanks to a statement she made public through her social networks: she is dating Guillermina Nayaalso a tennis player and member of the Argentine team that competed this year for the Copa Billie Jean King.

About the legendary Billie Kean King, It was a message from the 79-year-old former tennis player on Twitter that gave rise to Nadia’s “announcement”. The Californian, considered not only one of the best tennis players but also one of the best athletes in all of history, reposted a note in which she highlights Podoroska’s “courage” for living life in an “authentic” way. In that newspaper article, from the site Women’s Tennis Blogit is said that Nadia is in a relationship with Guillermina, and how love was born between them.

“Congratulations to WTA player Nadia Podoroska on her announcement. Living authentically takes a lot of courage but it’s worth doing.“, wrote BJK, always committed to the fight for gender equality and gay pride.

The Argentine thanked Billie Jean King’s message and also retweeted it on her personal account: “Thank you very much BJK. I respect you for everything you represent for us. You are an example in the fight for equality in sports and beyond sports, “he wrote. And both texts were accompanied by the emoji with the LGBT flag.

Guillermina Naya and Nadia Podoroska. The posting in networks of the tennis player from Rosario. Photo: Instagram.

The aforementioned blog tells a little about how the love story between Nadia and Guillermina, echoing a publication from another specialized medium, Clay. There it was the Rosario who told, in a recent interview, that the romance originated last year, during this stage that she had away from tennis, with anxiety but contained by the love and friendship of her partner.

“From September to December I was able to be in Argentina with my parents,” said Nadia en Clay. And he added: “That affection and positive energy of being at home helped me a lot. Then I went to Spain, it was fine because it seemed that it would be a short time before I could compete again. When I found out that it would be longer, my mother was able to visit me. So my girlfriend came to see me. This is how it started to happen“.

Nadia Podoroska, focused on climbing the WTA ranking.
Nadia Podoroska, focused on climbing the WTA ranking.

They then asked her if she was engaged in any kind of activism, and Nadia was candid. “The truth is that I don’t carry any flag, not because I don’t want to or I don’t like it. I love socially engaged people but I don’t think I have the strength or time yet. I have lived a revolution in my life after Roland Garros 2020, which generated a lot of movement, a lot of media exposure, so I am a little cautious. The life I have in tennis demands a lot of time, so maybe I’ll leave it for the future,” said the tennis player, always a low-profile cultist.

The post with which Nadia opened the door to her intimacy was on the occasion of Guillermina’s 26th birthday: “Today I celebrate you from afar but I feel you by my side every day of my life,” he wrote.

Nadia Podoroska and her message for Guillermina Naya.  Photo: Instagram.
Nadia Podoroska and her message for Guillermina Naya. Photo: Instagram.
Good vibes and passion.  The Argentine women's tennis team, with Guillermina Naya and Nadia Podoroska (below).  Photo: Instagram.
Good vibes and passion. The Argentine women’s tennis team, with Guillermina Naya and Nadia Podoroska (below). Photo: Instagram.

The moving story of Guillermina

As a professional tennis player, Guillermina came to occupy position 533 in 2020, and is part of the Argentine team. She was born in Chacabuco, province of Buenos Aires, and is the penultimate of six siblings from a middle-class family made up of a farm worker and a furniture restorer.

Last year, Guille was part of “Intimate Worlds”, a section of Clarín in which the protagonist tells in the first person some personal experience that marked his life. In her case, it was an ailment that she suffered from when she was a child and that haunted her through adolescence, when she started getting into the world of tennis.

Guillermina Naya, in her article for Clarín.
Guillermina Naya, in her article for Clarín.

“Yes, between the ages of 2 and 7 I could have died at any time. In fact, it could have happened for no reason ever known, because my long-overdue odyssey is still a rare find in the medical literature and, also, something difficult to cure”, says Guillermina in one of her paragraphs.

And in another part of her moving story, she recalls the odyssey of leaving Chacabuco, her town in the province of Buenos Aires, to be admitted to the Italian Hospital in the city of Buenos Aires.

“I was hospitalized there for 8 months. My parents say it was torture. They dilated my pylorus and, with a vacuum pump, they took out little pieces of my stomach to study them. The manipulation of my body to keep it alive happened literally without anesthesia “What I ate was going nowhere, because my small intestine had no absorption. Without nutrients, my teeth and hair fell out. My little legs were two toothpicks and the doctors photographed my belly to exhibit in future research. Dr. Daniel D’Agostino said that there were then a handful of cases in the world, with a high mortality rate,” Guillermina wrote.

Guillermina Naya, soccer player and Boca fanatic.  Photo: Instagram.
Guillermina Naya, soccer player and Boca fanatic. Photo: Instagram.

A fan of Boca and a great soccer fan, she ended up choosing tennis once she was able to overcome the trauma caused by fighting her illness.

“I’m a tennis player because I’m passionate about the game. And the game is synonymous with childhood, the one that stole from me the punctures, the tears and the gray hospital corridors. Look if I’m not going to feel like playing!” Guille closes his story .

Guillermina Naya and her freshness.  She loves tennis and representing the country.  Photo: Instagram.
Guillermina Naya and her freshness. She loves tennis and representing the country. Photo: Instagram.


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