MR News | Rosario, the capital of beach tennis: the Pan American was a success in Florida

Rosario was once again in the eyes of the sports world by organizing the Pan-American beach tennis event, an event that closed according to what it was: a celebration of continental sports. Thus culminated the historic competition that was organized for the first time in Argentina. After the awards ceremony, the athletes enjoyed a celebration on the main field of the La Florida Resort, which despite not having Albiceleste representatives, was full of people during all the finals this Sunday. Thus, once again the city left its mark in organizational matters.

The testimony of the athletes in relation to the mega-event that brought together 2,000 athletes from 11 countries was unanimous: the organization rose to the occasion. This is how the Brazilian Vini Font, one of the best beach tennis players in the world, expressed it. “They have exceeded our expectations. The atmosphere was incredible and we felt supported beyond the rivalry of Argentina and Brazil”, he indicated. And he added: “When I left tennis to dedicate myself to this, everyone called me crazy, but now I am crazy happy to see the growth of this sport throughout the continent.”

One of the most emotional moments of the awards were the anthems, where what sounded the most was ‘Patria Amada’. It is that Brazil prevailed in all the branches of Professionals, Sub 18, Sub 14 and Sub 12. The rule was only modified in mixed Sub 16, category in which Anacleiro/Riera from Venezuela were consecrated. And in Sub 18 ladies with the also Venezuelans Negrillo/Rodríguez.

The first Brazilian consecration came in the women’s final with Chow/Nogueira, who beat their compatriots Vita/Marchezini by 6/1 and 7/5.

Beyond the result, the public recognized the show that both pairs offered and dismissed them with warm applause. The same thing happened in the following match, when Font/Baran (BRA) defeated Guedez/Vigon by 6/4 and 6/2. In the decisive match of the mixed modality, Baran in pairs with Marchezini beat Vita and Oliveira by 6/3 and 6/4.

In Under 18 gentlemen the champions were Busnardo/Garbanski (Brazil) who beat Giorgetta/Simonetta (Brazil). In mixed Sub 18 Busnardo/Tomnson (Brazil) defeated Fernández/Negrillo (Venezuela). In U16 ladies Cintra/Tomaso (Brazil) beat Martenelli/Vieyra (Brazil). While in Sub 16 men Moura/Vieyra (Brazil) they beat Álvarez/Garay (Venezuela).

In Sub 14 ladies Pereyra/Urquiza (Brazil) defeated Dos Santos/Farías (Brazil) in the final. In Sub 14 gentlemen Andreoli/Zambonetti (Brazil) beat Almeida/Schurth (Brazil). In mixed Sub 14 Pereyra/Zambonetti (Brazil) beat Latorraca/Orfao (Venezuela). In Sub 12 men Busatto/Zwierzinski (Brazil) defeated Pelozo/Sampaio (Brazil). In Sub 12 ladies Coaan/Tavares (BRA) surpassed Borowski/Piccaro (Brazil). And in Sub 12 mixed Borowski/Pelozo (Brazil) to Tavares/Zwierzinski (Brazil).

Thus ended the Pan American. Not only leaving Argentine beach tennis standing well in organizational matters, but also giving the city, the province, the country and the continent an incalculable legacy for what is to come. From now on many boys, girls and young people will join in practicing this discipline that has an excellent present but a better future.


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