Denver Broncos mit Russell Wilson in Football-Krise

Not the solution, but part of the problem: quarterback Russell Wilson with the Denver Broncos
Image: AFP

Hundreds of millions of dollars from the Walmart family, great ambitions, little success – the Denver Broncos in the NFL have their backs to the wall despite a new star. Do shards bring luck?

DThe numbers were huge: 4.65 billion dollars (4.63 billion euros). That’s how much the Walton Bum Group, chaired by Rob Walton, heir to American retail giant Walmart, paid for the Denver Broncos over the summer. More money has never been paid for a team in the National Football League (NFL), nor has a North American sports team ever changed hands for such a large sum.

In addition: 242.5 million dollars (241.6 million euros). That’s how much the Denver Broncos want to pay Russell Wilson in the coming years, their new quarterback, an NFL star who has already won the Super Bowl with the Seattle Seahawks and is now set to repeat this feat in the state of Colorado. The Broncos – under new leadership – put everything on one card this summer, they went “all in”. With a new playmaker, a new coach and additional new, talented players, the hopes for a successful NFL season were as great as the sums that the decision-makers were willing to pay for it. Only: that was the height of the fall too.


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