Diallo, the clap of thunder!

New twist in the investigation into the assault with an iron bar of which Kheira Hamraoui was the victim, on November 4, 2021. According to information from the JDD, Aminata Diallo was indeed arrested by the investigators of the banditry repression brigade (BRB) of the judicial police of Versailles, this Friday morning at his home in Marly-le-Roi, then placed in police custody.

On November 4, 2021, as the tricolor midfielder returned from an evening organized by PSG with Aminata Diallo and Sakina Karchaoui, she was taken out of the vehicle before being violently beaten in the legs, her attackers not hesitating to use an iron bar. The attack had had all the more repercussions since her teammate Aminata Diallo had been suspected of being behind it, which had earned her 40 hours of police custody before being released without any charge is not retained.

While the track of revenge in the context of an extra-marital relationship had also been explored, Kheira Hamraoui having notably maintained an affair with Eric Abdial for several months, the track of sporting rivalry seems to be favored again. And the police in charge of the investigation would now have in their possession a confession. According to BFMTV, three of the four men placed in police custody on Wednesday and Thursday admitted to investigators on Thursday their involvement in the attack on the player of the France team.

And while the four men arrested should be brought in the morning, Aminata Diallo could be presented to the investigating judge in charge of this case of “aggravated violence in a meeting, with a weapon and with premeditation” and “association of criminals in view the preparation of an offense punishable by at least five years “with a view to its indictment”.


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