Andrés ‘Manga’ Escobar, convicted of abuse, in Iceland: he defended himself

Andrés ‘Manga’ Escobar, convicted of abuse, in Iceland: he defended himself

Valle del Cauca attacker Andrés Escobar lives in a difficult situation in Iceland. At the beginning of the year he was accused of abuse and in recent days the harsh sentence to which he was subjected was known.

‘Manga’ arrived in this Nordic country in 2021 to play for Leiknir Reykjavík. There he scored two goals in 17 games he played. Already in the month of March, a woman accused the former Deportivo Cali having attacked her. The news went viral and it did not take long to reach our country where the player is remembered for several acts of indiscipline.

(See also: Alberto Gamero, acid with the Colombian National Team due to the call of his players)

Given the rumors and comments against him, the Colombian soccer player decided to go out and clarify the situation and In an interview, he explained in detail the situation he was going through.

“We met in the center of the city, we had been talking, she was talking to me about how much she liked the culture of Colombians and boys of color. We decided to go to my apartment with the consent of both of us and what should happen between two adults happened. The next day she left and I told her to let me know when she was at her house, I have the messages ”said the extreme.

Faced with this complaint, the player asked for financial and legal help in Colombia, but in the end no solidity was found in his defense arguments, which is why he will have to pay a harsh sentence.

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Despite the explanations and his appeal, Andrés was found guilty of abuse. According to the Icelandic National Court, ‘Manga’ must serve two and a half years in prison after being denounced for the aforementioned.

For now it is unknown if the Colombian soccer player, who was sentenced in the last hours, he will have to serve the sentence in a penitentiary center or they will give him the benefit of house arrest.


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