Mister Italia 2022 – Sicily is from Catania

(ANSA) – PESCARA, 07 AUG – 1.86 tall, dark hair, contagious smile. But also a three-year degree in political science, the hobby of sport (swimming, football and judo) and the secret dream of making it into the world of fashion and entertainment. Walter Zappalà, 23 years old from Catania, is the new “Mister Italia”.

So decreed the jury chaired by the soubrette Nathalie Caldonazzo who last night in Pescara crowned what is to all intents and purposes to be considered the most beautiful man in the beautiful country.

To crown the new Mister Italia there was also a former winner of the competition, Luca Onestini who, together with Jo Squillo, led the national final.

“I still have to realize what happened – comments the new Mister from Catania – The first dedication obviously goes to my family: here with me in Pescara is my father Lanfranco, but the first phone call came from home with my mother Anna and my sister Ginevra in tears of joy “.

38 boys arrived at the final act of the most important male beauty contest in Italy. In addition to the title of “Mister Italia 2022”, other bands were assigned: “The model of Italy 2022” is Francesco Barbarossa from Teramo, “The ideal man of Italy 2022” is the Roman Daniele Salustri, “Mister Talento 2022” is the Tarantino Romualdo Marinò, “A beautiful for the Cinema 2022” is the Cosentino Valentino Mele, “Mister Italia Fitness 2022” is the Como Luca Chirico, “Mister Italia Influencer 2022” is the Veronese Valerio Campoli, “Mister Italia On the Web 2022 “Raffaele Cammarota from Caserta. (HANDLE).

