Söder Criticizes FC Bayern as Rangnick Rejects Coaching Offer

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    Ralf Rangnick has rejected an offer of a coaching job at FC Bayern. Prime Minister Markus Söder has probably heard a lot about this.

    Munich – CSU politician Söder appeared on the Sky program ‘Triple – the Schüttflix football talk’ on Thursday evening and by no means kept his opinions about what was happening at FC Bayern quiet. The country father stated, among other things, that he had no understanding for the attempted return of national coach Julian Nagelsmann. Than the one with the Nagelsmann’s extension with the DFB team ended, the focus shifted to Rangnick.

    Söder claims: “Rangnick actually agreed”

    The Austrian national coach Rangnick canceled FC Bayern in a spectacular turnaround after the club thought it had already reached the end of its coaching search. As Söder knows, this was no coincidence. “Ralf Rangnick had actually agreed, at least that was my information, definitely. And then in a memorable phone call he somehow explained reasons that would make us all say, well, okay,” said Söder.

    The man from Nuremberg did not want to go into details because his information ultimately only refers to hearsay. “But there are things that don’t fit together,” Söder sticks to his rather piquant suggestions. Media reports recently suggested that FC Bayern was able to understand Rangnick’s arguments for his decision in favor of Austria.

    Rangnick has decided against an offer from FC Bayern. © IMAGO/Frank Hoermann/SVEN SIMON

    The 65-year-old’s rejection has brought the record champions back to the beginning of their search for a coach. Currently there seems to be a return of Hansi Flick to be the focus of those responsible for FC Bayern. Söder generally doesn’t think much of rehashing things.

    Söder comes up with a coaching theory

    During his appearance on the talk show, the politician also practiced as a trainer theorist and identified three basic types of trainers. “There is the absolute system coach who gives a team a system. Pep Guardiola is one of those people. “He sometimes gets into problems when he has players who don’t fit into the system,” mused Söder.

    “Then there is the Hip-Hipp-Hooray trainer, the motivational trainer, who whips people up. At some point this euphoria will wear off.” An example is currently provided by FSV Mainz 05, where Bo Henriksen seems to be well on the way to staying in the league. “Then there is the dad coach, which is especially important for very great players. Jupp Heynckes was one of those, Ottmar Hitzfeld, Ancelotti and Hansi Flick,” Söder continued.

    Söder: Footballers are “the most sensitive beings on this planet”

    These trainers are often very successful because professionals are “the most sensitive beings on this planet,” as Söder noted somewhat mockingly. What type of trainer does he want for the Free State’s flagship? “FC Bayern is suited to a coach who has the right mix of authority and psychology, but also someone who the board supports.” Whether this candidate has been identified in the meantime remains to be seen.

    2024-05-11 02:50:00
    #Bavarias #Prime #Minister #Söder #reveals #juicy #details #Rangnicks #cancellation


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