Mercato: Lukaku has made his choice

In check Chelsea, Romelu Lukaku wants to leave England. According to the Italian press, the Belgian striker has decided to return to Inter Milan.

A year after his return, Lukaku already wants to leave Chelsea

Missed return for Romelu Lukaku. Returning to Chelsea last summer, after a first stint between 2011 and 2014 without imposing himself there, the 29-year-old striker wanted to rewrite history with the Blues. It is clear that the Belgian’s attempt is a failure.

Lukaku wants to return to Inter

Almost a year after his return to England, Big Rom is already on his way out. His mixed performances (15 goals and 2 assists in 44 games) and his complicated relationship with Thomas Tuchel visibly convinced the native of Antwerp that his decision to return to London had not been the right one.

To bounce back, Lukaku now wants to return to Inter Milan. A will confirmed by Sky Italia this Saturday. According to the transalpine media, the Red Devil’s lawyer has an appointment on Tuesday with the interested management to discuss the feasibility of a transfer. If the Blues are not opposed to a departure, this file is anything but simple.

A possible loan, but…

Indeed, Chelsea have no intention of selling off a player recruited for 113 million euros last summer. A sum that Inter cannot spend. The idea of ​​a loan is therefore evoked in Italy. An option that is not carded by the London club, but the latter’s requirements remain high.

The Gazzetta dello Sport, which confirms the player’s desire to return to Italy, provides details on this file. According to the pink paper daily, the 3rd of the last Premier League season is asking for a paying loan of €25 million with a mandatory purchase option fixed at €76 million! Can the Nerazzurri afford such madness? Case to follow…

Do you think a return of Lukaku to Inter would be a good idea? Do not hesitate to react and discuss in the area add a comment


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