RFA? I don’t think the organization will be in two years, Vémola predicts

Carlos Vémola had more than a year’s break from wrestling. But now he seems to be ready again and on May 21 he will face Otakar Petrin alias Marp in the box. But fourteen days later, he wants to show up in Frankfurt, and that’s definitely not the end of it. Vémola doesn’t want to miss Štvanice either! Will it be a title?

Carlos Vémola had the last match in March last year, when he defeated Milan Ďatelinka. He subsequently rehabilitated due to an injury, but is now back.

One of the main faces of the Czech MMA will appear in boxing for the first time, on May 21 he will try to beat Otakar “Marp” Petrina.

Fourteen days later, more precisely on June 4, he will have a tournament in Frankfurt, Germany, where he still has no confirmed opponent.

Many would expect a rest to follow, as he will face two fast-paced matches after a long injury. However, Vémola does not plan anything like that! He also wants to show up at Štvanice.

“Thanks to the fact that I stood for a year, Ondra and Pal looked at me for a bit that I would be wrestling in May, June and July. I said they don’t have anything in August. I’m happy to drive. I want to catch up. I want to catch up with what I lost. When I have a break after the match, I overeat and gain weight.

Why? I will tread, I will tread, I will earn, I will catch up. It wouldn’t be nice if, after a year and a half of being depressed, I had to stop wrestling, suddenly boxing for the first time in my life.

I will have my first KO, then I will present myself at the premiere at OKTAGON in Germany, which will be a huge thing, I can’t miss it, I want to be there and then I will fight at Štvanice and it looks like I hope it could be a big match . That would be a beautiful end to that bad year, “ said Vémola in an interview with Startitup.

Who could Vémola face? There are two matches, for the title with Patrik Kincl or a duel with Samuel Krištofič, to whom he promised him.

But it would be more interesting for the middleweight development if Vémola shared it with someone who has ambitions for the title and the subsequent winner would then stand against Kincl.

Source: MMA Shorties, Startitup


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