Kieft is done with ‘ordinary kick team’: ‘Nobody has to be sad about that’

Wim Kieft is happy that Atlético Madrid is out of the Champions League. He does not understand that people are still praising Diego Simeone’s team, which lost out to Manchester City.

The analyst looked with horror at what happened in the Wanda Metropolitano on Wednesday evening. “It is satisfying that the Champions League has been released from Atlético Madrid and that Manchester City survived the kicking match against Diego Simeone’s team,” Kieft said in his column in De Telegraaf. The Argentinian is being hyped everywhere and what he does and performs is supposedly all great. You can certainly question that.’

Kieft argues that Los Rojiblancos have lost sympathy. When Simeone reached the final of the Champions League against Real Madrid twice with Atletico Madrid and lost twice, he had fashioned a team that could play very disciplined and good football. There is little or nothing left of it. The current Atletico is an ordinary kicking team. No one need be saddened that Simeone and his crooks are out.’

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