PSG: the Park, the headquarters and the camp of the Loges tagged

Anger is still brewing on the side of ultra Parisians. On Sunday, during the match against Bordeaux (3-0), Parisian fans expressed their dissatisfaction after the fiasco of elimination in the round of 16 of the Champions League in Madrid by whistling the players, booing Messi and Neymar at every touch of the ball and unfurling banners calling for the resignation of management.

This Monday morning, new traces of protest appeared on the club’s three symbolic buildings: the Parc des Princes, the headquarters located in Boulogne and the Camp des Loges training center in Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

At the entrance to the Park, very close to the main entrance where the giant photos of Lionel Messi and Gianluigi Donnarumma are displayed, messages demand the departure of Leonardo, the sports director, and President Nasser Al-Khelaïfi.

At headquarters, you can see a message against the Qatari owner: “QSI, 10 years of mediocrity”. Finally, at Camp des Loges, as first reported by L’Equipe and then RMC, the tarpaulins surrounding the players’ parking lot were tagged with messages attacking the management.

All these messages had already appeared in the stands in the form of many banners during the match against Rennes in February.

Saturday, on the eve of the arrival of Bordeaux, the CUP had published a long press release to express its anger. “We don’t have short memories. We know what our return owes to President Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, there is nothing personal here, but it is clear that he is not the man for the job. .


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