Unvaccinated tennis leader Djokovic gets Australian visa renewed in court / Article

By order of Judge Anthony Kelly, the Australian government was required to release Djokovic from the solitary confinement hotel within half an hour of the decision being announced. Christopher Trens, a lawyer representing the Australian government in the proceedings, announced after the court decision that the Minister of Immigration and Citizenship Alex Hawk would consider the possibility of Djokovic’s visa waiver by personal decision.

If Djokovic’s visa is revoked again, he would again be deported,

banning a 34-year-old Serbian tennis player from taking part in the Australian Open, which starts on January 17.

Djokovic was barred from entering Australia after arriving in Melbourne, officials said all non-citizens should have been vaccinated against Covid-19. Djokovic was granted an exception through the Australian Open, stating that he had contracted Covid-19 in December. The Australian authorities, on the other hand, expressed confidence that the exemption could only be applied to persons with an acute illness. Djokovic, on the other hand, took part in various public events in Serbia without a face mask in the days when he had positive Covid-19 tests in December.

According to the documents submitted to the court, it is clear that Djokovic has not been vaccinated against Covid-19.

At the trial, Judge Kelly expressed confidence that Djokovic had done his utmost to obtain permission to enter Australia in accordance with the requirements. Djokovic did not attend the virtual hearing and was represented by lawyers. By a judge’s decision, Djokovic was allowed to leave the solitary confinement hotel to watch the proceedings online. Although it is not known where Djokovic went, it is believed that the tennis player could not come to the law office defending his interests, where unvaccinated persons are denied entry.

Djokovic’s lawyers submitted 11 arguments to the court as to why the annulment of the visa for their client was illogical and illegal.

The Australian Government will bear the costs of Djokovic.

A few hours after Djokovic arrived at Melbourne airport, the Dubai border guard said on Wednesday that he did not meet entry rules and would be deported. Djokovic was taken to a solitary confinement hotel, but his lawyers did not hesitate to file an urgent appeal with the court.

According to the organizers of the Australian Open, Djokovic was exempted from the requirement to be vaccinated against Covid-19 after an anonymous assessment by independent medical experts without any special favor or advantage. However, granting an exemption to Djokovic has caused widespread outrage in Australian society, which is facing many severe restrictions due to the pandemic.

Djokovic is the nine-time winner of the Australian Open, remaining unbeaten in the first Grand Slam of the season last year.

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