“One day it will happen …”! The Niners Chemnitz and their fans who love to travel

What would a basketball game be without loud spectators. At the home games of the NINERS Chemnitz, the Chemnitz crew ensures the atmosphere.

Chemnitz – Who ever at a basketball game of NINERS Chemnitz was there in the Richard-Hartmann-Halle, knows what fan power and, above all, volume mean. Even after moving to the Chemnitz Exhibition Center, it didn’t get quieter – let alone quieter. But who is responsible for this amazing atmosphere at the games?

The ChemnitzCrew is the NINERS Chemnitz fan club. © Toni Söll

With the NINERS Chemnitz, the cultural capital of 2025 has again a sporty flagship, which not only ensures sold-out halls in the region. It is the second season in which the “best basket hunters of Saxony” in the top division of top German basketball are causing sporting unrest among the opposing teams.

Currently, the players of head coach Rodrigo Pastore (49) cavort on the ninth place in the table and have swept teams like Bayern Munich out of the home hall. Even in the cup, the people of Chemnitz are still happily involved. Who would have thought two or three years ago that the NINERS would one day make it to the final four of the Cup?

But for the entire first season in the Basketball Bundesliga (BBL), the Orange Army had to do without its most loyal supporters. We all know the reasons for the corona. The games against Hamburg, Braunschweig or Bonn could be followed in front of empty stands and only via an internet stream.

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But that should change in the following season. Under a strict hygiene concept and a limited number of spectators, games were again allowed to take place in public. Ideal for the most loyal followers of NINERS Chemnitz – the ChemnitzCrew.

The ChemnitzCrew is the fan club of the basketball scene in Saxony. Not only the love for common sport unites the people in the club, which was founded in 2002, but also the solidarity outside of the games. From lawyers to nurses to single parents, everything is represented in the “ChemnitzCrew”.

After the league was managed for the first division and the regulations allowed fans into the halls again, it became loud again in the fair.

The great pride of the Chemnitz crew is the 290 m² huge block flag, which has been raised at one or the other home game since 2016.

“One day it will happen and then we will go to Alba to see the Niners play” it once rang out in chorus through the Richard-Hartmann-Halle and they were right. On December 5th, the game of games for the Euroleague participants was due.

2500 spectators were present in the Berlin Mercedes-Arena, 800 of them alone! Fans of the NINERS. This shows once again how the people of Chemnitz feel about their association. The game unfortunately ended 83:62 for the Berlin team, but that didn’t leave the atmosphere in the arena cold and so the fans celebrated their team until late after the final whistle.

In February there will be another game against Alba Berlin. This time as part of the Final Four. The venue is again the Mercedes-Benz Arena.

More information about the “ChemnitzCrew” is available at Facebook site or on the website www.chemnitzcrew.de.


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