NBA: Darius Garland, a player who has not been seen in the Cavs since LeBron James

EHe shooting guard Darius Garland established a personal best with 18 assists, being the first Cavaliers player not named LeBron James to reach that number in the last 20 years. A show of power from a player who is keeping the Cavaliers in contention for the East playoffs despite injuries.

Garland has taken a step forward in the absence of Ricky Rubio and Collin Sexton and has not only increased his numerical performance. He also wants to show that he is the highlight meat almost daily as he did against the Thunder with a recital of assists that earned him a place among the best plays of the night in the NBA.

“He has taken control of the game in all aspects,” assured his coach after the victory of the Cavs against the Thunder. “He knows how to read what the defense is doing and how to make them pay for the mistakes they are making. He hasn’t allowed us to lose this game.”



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