Market – Lille: Reinildo va signer Atletico, mais un mystre plane … – Football

Under contract until June, left-back Reinildo will sign Atletico Madrid. But the various sources do not agree on the date of his departure from LOSC.

Reinildo is going to join Atletico. But when ?

Unless the situation turns around, Reinildo (28) will play well in the colors of Atletico Madrid. Six months from the end of his contract with Lille, the left-back, used 27 times since the start of the season by Jocelyn Gourvennec, will soon sign with the reigning Spanish champions.

According to information from the journalist of the Portuguese media SIC Notcias, Pedro Sepulveda, confirmed by the Spanish daily Marca, the Mozambican took the plane on Monday to reach Spain, where he must pass his medical examination before signing his contract with the Colchoneros. The formalization of his signature could therefore fall during the day.

Reinildo Madrid from this winter or next summer?

In recent hours, contradictory information has been published in this file. The journalist specializing in transfers Fabrizio Romano agrees with the Spanish daily Marca and announces that a total agreement has been reached between Reinildo, LOSC and Atletico for a transfer from this winter. This would allow Lille, as the player wanted, to receive a transfer fee.

But L’Equipe ensures for its part that the native of Beira will not leave the North in January… The sports daily affirms that the offer of Rojiblancos, to buy the last six months of the defender’s contract, was not accepted by Lille. In this case, Reinildo would therefore only sign a pre-contract with Atletico for next season. Who is telling the truth? The answer should be known in the next few hours.

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