Bádmiton Zamora successfully holds a clinic on individual tactics

The CD Badmiton Zamora, with the support of Zamora City Council, has been able to celebrate throughout January 3 and 4 a Christmas clinic focused on tactics in the individual modality of this sport. An event that had the participation of the valued national coach and current champion of Spain Senior A1, Adrian Corrales, and that sought to enhance in the audience a little-known aspect of the game but equally decisive.

The best players and coaches in the community came to Zamora, coming from clubs in León, Valladolid, Segovia, Burgos, Soria and, of course, Zamora. A participation that has made this initiative a success, bringing together in the Sport City to the majority of the players representing the lower teams of Castilla y León to learn and work concepts, as well as trainers to be able to work with their pupils this section in their sessions.

After the celebration of the clinic, Badminton Zamora has indicated that given the satisfaction of the participants and the success of the event, it will repeat similar activities in the future, as this initiative has been a great start to 2022, a year in which they will try to carry out “projects to make the club grow” and place the name of Zamora “at the national level in the world of badminton.”



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