WTA boss even more concerned about Peng Shuai after written statement: “It is hard to believe that she wrote it” | Tennis

TennisThe release of a written statement from Chinese state media about the missing tennis star Peng Shuai has raised suspicion and concern at the WTA tennis association. “I find it hard to believe that Peng Shuai wrote the email we received,” said Steve Simon, president of the tennis professional association.

“The WTA and the rest of the world need independent and verifiable evidence that she is safe. I have tried to reach her repeatedly through various forms of communication, but to no avail.”

Earlier this month, Peng, 35, accused former Deputy Prime Minister Zhang Gaoli of sexual abuse on the Chinese social medium Weibo. Zhang allegedly forced her to have sex. Shortly after the accusation, the message was removed and Peng seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth ever since. Her accounts have been wiped from social media, internet searches for her name turned up nothing.

China remained silent about the tennis star’s situation until Thursday, until the statement was circulated through state media. In the email sent to Simon, Peng Shuai writes that the stories of the past few weeks are not correct. She also reports that she is just home to recover and that everything is going well with her. “Thanks for the concern,” she writes.

Simon can’t believe Peng is behind the email. “She must be able to speak freely, without coercion or intimidation from any source. Her allegations of sexual assault must be respected and investigated with full transparency and without censorship. Women’s voices must be heard and respected, not censored or dictated.”

The – most likely falsified – email that Peng Shuai is said to have sent:


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