Bara: Messi settles his accounts with Laporta – football

In early October, FC Barcelona president Joan Laporta confided that he was hopeful that Lionel Messi would agree to play for free to stay in Catalonia last summer. The Argentine striker, now at Paris Saint-Germain, did not appreciate the words of the leader.

Messi left Bara for PSG last summer

The end of a beautiful story. Gripped by financial worries, FC Barcelona were unable to extend Lionel Messi last summer due to financial rules in La Liga. After 21 years of sharing, the Catalan club were then resolved to see the free Argentine leave for Paris Saint-Germain at the end of his contract.

The departure of the Pulga was a real heartbreak for Barcelona President Joan Laporta, who was read last March by promising to extend the Argentine star. I was hoping that the last minute there would be a change and he would play for free , revealed the leader in early October.

Messi didn’t like Laporta’s words

In an interview with the Catalan daily Sport, Messi returned to this little phrase that made a lot of talk in Catalonia. The truth is, as I explained when I left, I did my best to stay, but at no time was I asked to play for free, he replied. I was asked to reduce my salary by 50% and I did so without any concern.

And as much to say that the former Barcelona did not really appreciate the exit of his ex-boss. We were ready to help the club. Our desire, my family and I, was to stay in Barcelona, ​​he continues. No one asked me to play for free. The president’s words hurt me, I don’t think he needed to say that. It’s like putting the ball in the other court and not taking responsibility for the consequences. It makes people think or creates a doubt that I don’t think I deserve.

Messi sees himself returning to Bara

After this update and this small tackle Laporta, Messi said he wanted to return to Barcelona after his career as a player. I do not know if it will be immediately after the end of my contract with PSG (in June 2023, note) but, what is certain is that we will come back to live in Barcelona and that our life must continue here. This is what we want, my wife and I , confided the native of Rosario.

The Parisian would also see himself returning to Bara in another role. I would like to be a technical secretary at some point, he revealed. I don’t know if it will be Barcelona or not. Or if it will be another way. If there is a possibility I would like to be able to bring back to Bara because it is a club that I love and I wish it would continue to be good, continue to grow and continue to to be one of the best in the world. The message got through.

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