Badminton takes back its rights

Since the start of the season, badminton has returned to service and has reinvested in the halls of the department and of Occitanie. The competitions have also resumed and this 2021-2022 season is off to a flying start with two regional competitions.

The first of these competitions was the regional youth final of the 2020-2021 season, 4 young shoots from BAM participated in it. Noa Laurens returns from Gourdon with a silver medal in mixed doubles. Clara Trouche made a silver double in women’s singles and mixed doubles. Gatien is also silver in double man. Lisa Trouche collects silver in women’s singles and wins the most beautiful medals in women’s doubles.

This victory in women’s doubles allows her to qualify for the French youth championships which will take place from 11 to 14. This is Lisa’s second participation in this competition, congratulations to her and good luck for this future tournament.

We do not forget the oldest with the veteran regional championship which took place in our neighbors of Tarn. Guy Wackers wins bronze in men’s doubles veteran 7.

Guy is the oldest of Lisa in 60s, but despite everything he still comes to kick the wheel in training and participates in many competitions. This longevity on the ground shows that there is no age limit to practice this sport and everyone is welcome.

It is still possible to join the club whether you are young or adult. For more information visit our site: or send us an email

[email protected]


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