Zizou Bergs: “During the pandemic, when there was no tennis, I worked in a LIDL”

The Belgian tennis player Zizou Bergs gave an interview to Suddpresse explaining how his life changed during the pandemic, going to work in a Lidl in his neighborhood and helping his mother make masks: “When you are number 530 in the world and you can’t play games, it’s complicated I decided to work in a LIDL. Then I helped my mother make masks that were going to be distributed to people from my bike. It was almost 8 hours a day. It was during the pandemic that I spoke with my coach and we decided to change something. We chose the drive. We took advantage of that moment when there was no tennis to become a better player and also a better person. Now I am also involved in a project in Burundi where I send rackets, shoes, sportswear … to help the youngest “, stated the Belgian player.



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