Talent Tijmen van der Helm also creates a red flag at Zandvoort | Motorsport

With just over half an hour left on the clock, the race management felt compelled to raise the red flag after a ‘moment’ by Frederik Vesti, driving for ART. The Dane went too wide in the Hans Ernst corner. The marshalls had to work there with brooms to sweep away all the gravel thrown onto the track.

Ayumu Iwasa, the Japanese driver of the Red Bull Junior Team, also made a mistake moments later. He spun in the Hans Hugenholtz corner.

Thymen van der Helm

Shortly after the session resumed, ‘home driver’ Tijmen van der Helm of MP Motorsport parked his car in the wall. The red flag was raised again. Van der Helm stepped out of the car with a bummer.

“I was a bit frustrated because I had already had to cut off two fast laps because of traffic and because there was gravel on the track. I came with half a wheel on the white line on the outside of the asphalt. Then I got pulled off the job like that. I couldn’t do much more, I was a passenger. I went straight ahead. It happened in such a ‘classic’ corner where you can fly off.”

Although his first appearance at the Dutch GP ended in the crash barrier – Van der Helm, who finished 25th in qualifying – still enjoyed it. “Very cool to drive through those stands full of orange. Of course all those fans come for Max Verstappen. Will they also cheer for me? That would be nice, we’ll see.”

The incidents do not come out of the blue. Because there is little rubber on the barely traveled track, the drivers have little grip.

The Marshalls are sweeping the track.

The Marshalls are sweeping the track.


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