Italian Baseball Softball Federation – The official site

The Rheavendors Caronno vince 5-1 the first midweek challenge with the Lacomes New Bollate. Solid performance for the Caronnesi who make a point in five attacks out of seven and limit the young opponent’s attack only to a forcing in the final shooting. This is the tenth success for the team coached by Argenis White and marks the playoff math for Rheavendors.

The single of Francesca Rossini opens the scoring in the first round after the single by Chiara Ambrosi. After a point built on defensive error, bunt and RBI groundout in the second inning, the Caronno returns to score thanks to the prolific club of Rossini (3-4 with 2 RBI) that pushes home Melany Sheldon with a single in the infield. The New Bollate tries a reaction against Silvia Durot (winning pitcher with 6 clean shots, 3 hits and 4 strikeouts) led by the triple of Taylor Glover to the third and by a couple of runners to the fifth, but it does not materialize and the strenuous resistance of the Bollatesi subsides in the sixth inning, when again Ambrosi and Rossini trigger the assault which, with a defensive error of the New Bollate on the serve of Elisa Oddonini, materializes the 4-0 of Caronno. The fifth point is produced by the double of Yuruby Alicart and from the single of Melany Sheldon in the seventh inning, to which he responds with a double of Chiara Marazzi and a sacrifice sprint of Martin Lechiar the Lacomes who scores a point against Bianca Messina Garibaldi, but he cannot avoid defeat.


Tomorrow, Thursday 2 September, at 20, always on the field of Bollate is replicated with game 2 of the series.



In the photo by Davide Carabelli, archive image from the match between Caronno and Saronno on 28 August 2021.


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