“I came to a very united team and in the fight”

Asdrúbal Cabrera has become a globetrotter in Major League Baseball, thanks to his vast experience at the highest level of American baseball and his notable presence in postseason games.

Since his MLB debut in 2007, the 35-year-old Venezuelan has developed an unmatched ability to be a valuable asset in any organization he defends.

This year it was the turn of the Cincinnati Reds, who made their services during the weekend, in order to increase their chances for the October party and thus give this Creole another opportunity to play in the postseason.

“Personally, I am always glad that the teams are looking for me,” said the veteran infielder to El Extrabase. “When that happens it is because organizations trust that I can help them win. Nobody likes to lose, but I focus on that. In winning and doing the little things to take the team forward, “he said.

And it is that in the last four years, Cabrera has had to leave the suitcase ready, since he has defended five shirts in the search for glory and it was in 2019 when he achieved it, when he was crowned champion with the Washington Nationals team.

A lot of experience

Asdrúbal Cabrera has fifteen years of service on his resume in the Major Leagues. Since 2007 he has been one of the most consistent Venezuelans, to the point of becoming a true chameleon, since within that period he has defended the colors of Indians, Nationals (2 times), Rays, Mets, Phillies, Rangers, Bells and now Reds.

“I am quite happy with my career. I have been a player blessed by God ”, highlighted the Creole. “Now I am enjoying this stage. I came to a very united and happy team. Wanting to fight no matter what else ”.

Now, to think of the Cincinnati Reds is to think of David Concepción and immediately in number 13, so Asdrúbal Cabrera had to change his number, but in the same way maintain that commitment to the currency.

“When I saw that the destination was Cincinnati, I immediately forgot the number 13, I will use a different number, but that does not make the player and I am committed to the team.”


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