????️Jet Set Radio meets badminton in this stylish sports game

As my memories of badminton bring back images of sweaty and awkward encounters in high school gym class, Virtuoso Neomedia’s Raddminton It takes the casual sport and turns it into an elegant and intense competition, with flaming birdies and sporty streetwear.

We have fiery flyers and more on Cool WIP, Gameslatam’s weekly roundup of eye-catching clips and work-in-progress screenshots. Every week, the Gameslatam staff searches the Internet for the most interesting games that are still under construction, to offer you a sample of the most interesting emerging projects.

This week we have an incredible group of games ranging from ridiculously ambitious to downright silly. There is a game with literally hundreds of marbles, a game that was completely hand-embroidered (yes, you read that correctly), a Game Boy Advance title, and a 3D fighting game inspired by anime fight scenes.

Badminton has never been so tough (and stylish too)

This game of badminton Raddminton, from Virtuoso Neomedia seems like the most intense way to practice this sport. Ethan Redd, developer behind animation and models, posted a GIF of a game in action where the characters hit a shuttlecock (also known as a birdie) that is on fire from one side to the other. The game shows greater Radio Jet Set vibrates with its elegant animation style and trendy characters. Raddminton It doesn’t have a release date yet, but you can follow the team on the study Twitter account.

Imagine Super Monkey Ball, but with hundreds of Monkey Balls

Part of what I love about game jams is that they give developers the opportunity to experiment with new concepts and push the limits of their game. Here, developer Sophie Houlden I tried to see how many marbles they could fit into a course. You can see their progress here, but in a moment they fit 350 marbles on a stage. It was a journey to see how everything played out on Twitter. There is a version of the game available to download now and you can follow Keep and su Twitter account to catch all your future creations.

A game coming to Game Boy Advance

Oh thank goodness I’ll be able to play a new Game Boy Advance game in the year 2021 (or probably a bit later, since making games takes time). Created by a duo, Rik and Jeremy, Goodboy Galaxy it’s a action platform where you can explore the universe like a dog. The nice thing is that the developers plan to release a physical copy for GBA. The team still plans to release the game on PC and Nintendo Switch as well, but it’s fun to see independent developers work on GBA games amid the fervor behind revamped classics like the Advance Wars remake.

The next frontier of gaming graphics? Embroidery

Developers talk a lot about “hand-drawn” games. Well, Brad Smith and Camille Carpentier They have upped the ante by launching a game that has been completely hand-embroidered called Katjepult. The game is a “simple” 2D side scrolling platformer starring a cat. They both made it for a game and you can play it in your browser right now.

Attack and dethrone God in this anime-style fighting game.

A unique art style can really make a game. So when you get something that looks interesting based solely on the gameplay, it’s really special. Such was the case when I saw this untitled game from Wazen. Developer posted a video showing a compilation of recordings of the game, and at one point, we can see a character jumping and pointing at a helicopter in a flurry of attacks. There is no release date or name for the game, but you can see his work in the developer Twitter account.


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