Modernized Floodlight System Secured for Bundesliga Baseball Players in Disciples Haar with Long-Awaited Grant

The Bundesliga baseball players from Disciples Haar are getting a more modern floodlight system. The grant notice for 20,000 euros, which was eagerly awaited by the municipality, has now been received by the town hall. This means you can begin switching to LED bulbs. Mayor Andreas Bukowski (CSU) reported this progress to the local council with relief. On the other hand, he was annoyed.

As it has now become clear, the delay in approving the subsidy from the federal government also has its price. According to Bukowski, the 20,000 euros you get now corresponds almost exactly to the amount you would have saved on energy if you had completed the renovation a year ago. In addition, the permit for the baseball players to play depends on the more modern lighting for the sports facility in the sports park. For the Disciples it’s about the Bundesliga license. According to the town hall, the new floodlight system costs a total of 80,000 euros.

2024-05-22 16:33:33
#Haar #Munich #floodlights #Disciples #Munich #district


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