Al Bano Carrisi, the unprecedented decision: it’s all over

Al Bano Carrisi

Al Bano and the great desire to return to singing

Last May Al Bano Carrisi has blown out 78 candles. A nice achievement for the singer-songwriter from Cellino San Marco who has no intention of hanging up the microphone. With almost 60 years of career in the world of music, the Salento artist is one of the best known Italian singers in the world.

Then, together with ex-wife Romina Power for 40 years now they have made many generations dream with their famous songs. In this regard, the Maestro and the American singer in the coming months had to make a tour in Eastern countries but, at least for the moment this will not happen.

The tour of the Cellino San Marco Lion has been postponed

It was Al Bano himself who made it known. All his concerts abroad have been postponed. This is the latest news regarding the singer-songwriter from Cellino San Marco. But why this decision? Already a few days ago there was talk on the net about this possibility, then the confirmation from Maestro Carrisi arrived. Concerts canceled for the moment due to pandemic.

For example, on June 6 the 78-year-old was supposed to sing in Hungary, in Budapest, at the World Judo Championship. But even this sporting event has been postponed. Obviously, this decision caused great regret for Loredana Lecciso’s partner and also for his many foreign supporters who were looking forward to hearing him live after more than a year and a half of stop.

Al Bano Carrisi explains why he had to postpone his concerts

The concert would have been the first major event after the pandemic, in which the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orban, the leader of Hungary, should have participated, but as mentioned before, at least for now everything has been blown.

Reached by the news agency Adnkronos, the songwriter of Cellino San Marcor explained to the reporter what is happening in that part of the world. “The cases of Covid in Russia are increasing more and more people refuse to get vaccinated, but they have Sputnik!”, asserted the 78-year-old from Salento complaining of the negligence of that people.


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