Yerry Mina spoke of James Rodríguez and Carlo Ancelotti at Everton | Queiroz, Colombian National Team and Eliminatory | Colombians Abroad

Sincere and without keeping anything. Yerry Mina spoke of his improvement and how he regained the title at Everton; his relationship with James Rodríguez and Carlo Ancelotti. In addition, he recalled the two painful defeats of the Colombian National Team in the 2022 Qatar Qualifiers and the reasons for Carlos Queiroz’s departure … and he even dared to mention Reinaldo Rueda, his new coach in the Tricolor.

All the topics were touched by Mina in a revealing interview for ‘Directv Sports’, with journalist Luis Fernando Restrepo.

Mina began by recounting how his change was at Everton, how the 0-2 defeat against Uruguay in the Playoffs affected him and how that game helped him to get out of his comfort zone. In addition, he highlighted the role of Carlo Ancelotti, his coach at his club, to regain his best level.

“When things did not happen, I felt an emptiness inside of me. With the National Team I had never lost a game like I lost it (against Uruguay). It was hard for me, because that responsibility fell on my shoulders, because I didn’t do a good job, so criticism rained and that made me stronger. I said to myself, they took me out of that comfort zone and it is up to me if I stay there or have to stop. And Carlo (Ancelotti) has helped me a lot to improve. Before I felt that I had to show, but now I play as I have been doing; I am myself, I fight and when I have to play, I do it without fear “, confessed Mina.

Another important person to change his mind was James Rodríguez, his teammate at Everton and captain in Colombia: “It’s a quality. I knew him, but not like now, which I share with him every day. He is a great person, and as a professional he is top. He always wants to win, to do things well. I told him what I felt, but he has a lot of experience and has been through this, so he told me calm down, that everything is going to change”.

“With James we talk about soccer, but when we are out on the pitch, we talk about family, how we feel. Also if we go to the gym, do a sauna … because James is very professional; at home he has more things to continue working; Whenever I go, he is doing ‘invisible training’: cold water, or he is in recovery, or he is practicing English, or he is eating well, because he eats well to work well. The only thing I advise is when we play ‘basketball… Even the last time I let him win ”, commented, with the usual grace, the defender born in Guachené.

Precisely as a Caucasian, Mina spoke about Dávinson Sánchez, his countryman and friend, and about the competition with the other defenders of the Colombian National Team. “With Dávinson I have not lost, but there is a good relationship with others, with Jeison Murillo, Jhon Lucumí, William Tesillo… it’s something incredible, ”he commented.

The truth about Carlos Queiroz

Yerry recalled the last two games with Colombia in the Qualifiers, with losses against Uruguay and Ecuador 6-1; Results that caused the departure of Carlos Queiroz and left the rumor of an internal problem in the National Team, with conflicts between players and coach.

“I don’t understand why they come up with those things. Queiroz is a great coach and person. Unfortunately, we lost both games very badly, but I don’t understand where those rumors came from, ”said Mina, who incidentally applauded the hiring of Reinaldo Rueda in the National Team, whom he respects a lot.



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