Montigny-lès-Metz. The aikido federation awards a gold medal to the Moselle pioneer of the discipline

Aikido had a breakthrough in France in 1951. Aged 86, Jean Malaise started aikido in 1953 during the first aikido course organized in Biarritz. He is therefore one of the precursors of this discipline, the third French martial art after judo and karate-do. Initially judoka, he was seduced by this discipline combining efficiency and beauty of the gesture. Jean will redouble his efforts to develop and promote aikido in Moselle and he is therefore at the origin of many clubs in Metz, Thionville and Pont-à-Mousson.

With the founders, Master Tadashi Abe and Masamichi Noro, he creates strong bonds of friendship. At the creation of the FFAAA (French Federation of Aikido, Aikibudo and Associates), Mr. Malaise was vice-president in Lorraine and the first regional technical co-director in 1983.

5e dan aikido and graduated in kendo, iaido and jodo, he is in continual search for improvement. Living encyclopedia in the field of martial arts, he shares his knowledge with practitioners. A great lesson in humility for an enthusiast with sixty-seven years of practice.

” I thank you all. I did not deserve these honors. I didn’t do much, he explains. I love aikido and traditional Japanese martial arts. I did my best to transmit the passion and values ​​of our discipline ”. Thanks were sent to his wife who has shared her passion and her investment for fifty-five years.

The gold medal was presented by Philippe Theis, former president of the FFAAA League.

“This is a first for the FFAAA at the national level”, underlined Francisco Dias, President of the FFAAA, Frédéric Munsch, president of the Grand Est League, Jérémy Rizza, president of CID Lorraine and Laurent Fey, technical manager of the Grand Est.

Ready to continue

Jean Malaise told us his eagerness to be able to share his taste for this martial art once again when the health situation allows it in the new aikido club of CSAG Metz training in Montigny-lès-Metz created in 2020. “An honor for the club which will welcome teachers at the extremes of the age pyramid. A fine example of intergenerational exchange that aikido allows. “

To find out more about the club: [email protected]/06 29 55 48 47 /


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