El Marino already has a place to train: the Balbín facilities, in Luanco, will open tomorrow

Balbín’s facilities, in Luanco

Luis Gallego was exultant today and not only because of the arrival of Manel to replace Oli at the head of Marino de Luanco. The reason why the president of the club was so happy was because tomorrow they will finally be able to use the Balbín facilities to train. “Today I have another face, of joy, the joy for me was so immense that it changed my face, the pain and the feeling of the lack of Oli I carry it inside, what he did for the Marino was incredible; but the great joy is that tomorrow we finally start in Balbín, the best signing, starting tomorrow El Marino is going to start working at the level of the First Division, Madrid or Barcelona. “

And not only that: “The councilor spoke with me to have a meeting with the mayor and it will be to talk about the changing rooms, and the idea of ​​the club is to make them prefabricated and do it on top where the canteen and the warehouse are located. ”

The Miramar field warehouse, in Luanco Mara Villamuza

LA NUEVA ESPAÑA recently echoed the poor state of both the changing rooms and other parts of the Miramar facilities, where the Marino plays his games, with some very deteriorated changing rooms due to the passage of time and humidity, a collapsed wall and a cracked warehouse and with the wooden beams, also very damaged by the passage of time and humidity.

The Miramar wall Mara Villamuza

Luis Gallego also wanted to thank Mosconia for their willingness to be the coach of the Grado team, Manel, until yesterday. he now joins the Marine with the rest of his coaching staff.

Balbín facilities, In addition to the Marino and his quarry, they will also be used by the other local teams, such as Gozón or Podes.



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