Cuba Aims to Rank in the Top 20 Countries in Olympic Medal Table: High Hopes for 2024

Cuba aspires to be among the top 20 countries in the Olympic medal table based on the classification of 70 or 80 athletesJosé Antonio Miranda, director of High Performance at Inder, confirmed this Friday at a press conference.

For the Paralympic Games, the goal is to qualify between 28 and 30 athletes and be among the top 25 nations.

At the press conference, the intention to have the men’s volleyball team in the Olympic event that will take place in the French capital from July 26 to August 11, 2024 was reiterated.

“The men’s volleyball team is already in the pre-Olympic tournament in Argentina and there is great motivation to achieve classification, although it is a complex task,” Miranda said.

He explained that, to be among the top 20 nations, in both the Olympic and Paralympic Games, no less than five gold medals must be obtained.

Currently, The national Olympic preselection is made up of 117 athletes in 17 sports, with an average age of 26 years. The Paralympic preselection is made up of 38 athletes in 10 sports, with an average age of 30 years.

So far, Cuba has qualified 36 Olympic athletes in 11 sports, and 11 Paralympic athletes in five disciplines.

The director of High Performance at Inder reported that, according to the analysis, the main classification options are concentrated in 44 athletes in six sports (13 in athletics, three in boxing, two in diving, five in judo, one in swimming, two in table tennis and, in addition, indoor and beach volleyball).

Besides, 19 athletes, of which 15 have Olympic experience, have the greatest chances of getting on the podium (three in athletics, five in boxing, one in canoeing, four in judo, five in wrestling and one in shooting).

In the case of the Paralympic Games, 10 athletes, seven of them with Paralympic experience, have the best chance of medals.

The director of High Performance at Inder highlighted that, despite the country’s complex economic situation, the competitive critical path has been met as a key element for the preparation of athletes.

“Different preparation has been made, intensive use of science and the study of opposites, and medical and psychological care has been ensured,” said Miranda.

2024-05-17 19:17:04


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