Ghosts harass Griezmann again (Laia Bonals)

In the best match of the Koeman era the discordant note was Antoine Griezmann. The Frenchman was, once again, unlucky in the face of goal. He made mistakes on clear occasions that could have sentenced the match.

Griezmann was a catalyst for Barça’s game. He pressed, ran and assisted. He helped Barça show their best version, especially in the first half. However, he failed to resolve his outstanding accounts with the scoring facet. It just doesn’t turn out to be a round day. He has scored five goals in seventeen games, the same as Ansu Fati, who has played ten.

Against Real Sociedad, the team where he trained as a footballer for more than 9 years, Griezmann also failed to send the ball to the back of the net. And not for lack of opportunities. While he was on the grass, the Frenchman tried again and again. From outside the area, in a one-on-one with the goalkeeper, with impossible shots … But nothing.

His last five minutes on the pitch – Koeman decided to replace him with Francisco Trincão at 66 – ended up annoying Macôn. First, alone in front of the goal, he sent the ball over the crossbar in a forced shot. Griezmann was already desperate, but then, in a melee with Remiro, he gave the ball to the goalkeeper txuri-urdin. Once on the bench, he made crosses of the wasted opportunities.

It’s not the first game this season that Griezmann has missed a goal. The missed opportunities are, along with his understanding with Messi, the great pending subject of the ex-mattress to finish winning at the Camp Nou. Since arriving at Can Barça, he has not had a goal-scoring continuity that will dispel the ghosts of his signing. Yesterday, against his exes, they reappeared to him.



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