Bilardo’s brother anticipated how they will tell the Doctor about Maradona’s death: the role that Ruggeri will play

Carlos Bilardo and Diego Maradona (@maradona)

This Thursday they were fulfilled eight days after the death of Diego Armando Maradona. At age 60, the best player of all time lost his life due to a cardiorespiratory arrest while resting at home in a country in Tigre. Since then, the displays of affection do not stop. Neither do the feelings of sadness generated by such a loss especially for those who were an important part in his life and were with the star in glorious moments.

And one of them is Carlos Salvador Bilardo, the coach with whom he became champion in the 1986 World Cup. Although he also directed it in Seville and Boca Juniors, and they even shared space in the Argentine team when Diego was the coach and Narigón was the secretary of national teams for the 2010 South Africa World Cup, that feat achieved by the Argentine team in Mexico was what that united them forever. Their relationship was like that of a father and son.

Known is that The Doctor at 82 years old faces a state of health that requires a lot of care for some time. While right now is stable and at home, after a long stay in a geriatric clinic as a result of his fight against Hakim-Adams syndrome, a neurodegenerative disease for which he was hospitalized in intensive care, his environment considered that such strong news like the death of Maradona could cause anguish that would complicate and much its treatment.

Jorge Bilardo said that his brother Carlos does not know about the death of Diego Maradona

“I can’t tell you that Diego died”, explained as soon as it was learned of Maradona’s death Jorge Bilardo, brother of the former coach, who resides in an apartment in Buenos Aires under the care of a nurse who the family entrusted not to let him watch television. “The nurse already knew that when anything like this happens you have to cut off his television, so they cut off his television, they told him that the cable had been cut”, counted to Radio Province. The doctor He also does not know about the deaths of José Luis Tata Brown and Oscar Cacho Malbernat, two historical of Estudiantes de La Plata

“Carlos is fine, watching a Netflix series. He likes Pablo Escobar’s. He lives in an apartment around the corner from the house, we took him out of the clinic where he was hospitalized, because he couldn’t be seen. Instead where is there is a nurse 24 hours a day, the grandchildren, Gloria (his wife) and the boys can go “he commented.

Although, for the moment, Bilardo has restricted access to television, as the Doctor likes to watch football matches, they are analyzing communicating to him about Maradona’s death. In this point, Oscar Ruggeri and “some boys” from champion team in 1986 will be in charge to do so. “It’s something that will be in the media for four, five or twenty days (the news of Maradona’s death) and that complicates because Bilardo watches television and many games. I talked to Ruggeri and he’s going to hang out with two or three guys to see how it is. Let’s see how he reacts and what happens “, continued in communication with Sky Sports.

To end, Jorge stressed how important Maradona was in the life of the Bilardo familyHe even remembered the phrase the Doctor used to answer when asked about Diego: “He is the male child I did not have.”

“Diego was a lot in his life. There was a connection with Coco Villafañe, Claudia’s father. We made the house for him, we furnished it for him. My wife used to go with Claudia to buy the girls’ clothes, and in fact, Claudia went two or three times to see Carlos recently, ”Jorge Bilardo revealed.

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Bilardo’s brother told what measures they took so that the Doctor does not know about Maradona’s death: “He loved Diego very much and it would make him very bad to know.”


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