Australian Open> Pierre-Hugues Herbert: “It’s going to be a great fair. What we’re going to experience will be unique …”

Our colleagues from the Team did a nice little survey to understand how the players were going to prepare for 2021 now that the schedule was known. The Alsatian who we saw with a stroller on the court in Monaco gave his testimony. If Pierre-Hugues Herbert is a little anxious at the idea of ​​killing time at 7 p.m. in his room away from his little family and his son Harper, he is also positive because he knows that the season will resume under special but less dramatic conditions. than previously : « I dread the departure for Australia, over the length of the stay induced by quarantine, with five weeks to spend away from my family with Julia and my three-month-old son Harper.. Just thinking about it makes me sad. Spending these very busy days at the moment, between seven hours of training and family evenings, suddenly ending up at nineteen hours killing time all alone in his quarantined room, it won’t be so simple. We must also find his training partner for this quarantine. Here in Monaco, we talk about it a lot. There are a lot of overbooked guys! Me, I have a touch. I won’t say anything more, it’s a state secret (smiles). After quarantine in Melbourne, between the five events there will be (two WTA tournaments, two ATP tournaments and the ATP Cup), it will be a great fair. What we will experience will be unique… ”


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