The Thunder unveils its protocol for welcoming spectators

The NBA is racking its brains to bring back, while guaranteeing a certain health security, spectators during matches in the 2020-2021 season.

Like the Pelicans for example, the Thunder already imagines receiving spectators to bring in a few dollars and not lose all of the box office, so important in the finances of an NBA franchise.

The Thunder and the leaders of the Chesapeake Energy Arena have announced a protocol for welcoming the public, without giving details on the number of people allowed to attend future meetings.

The main measures are obviously to start wearing the mask and physical distancing (at least two meters between each person or group). In addition, only dematerialized tickets, on the phone, will be accepted. Finally, strict hygiene and disinfection procedures will also be put in place.

It seems almost certain that this style of protocol will be generalized for all teams in the NBA, if the league allows them to receive the public, with no doubt a limit of spectators to be determined.


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