Responding to Aremania’s Demands, the Mayor of Malang Is Considered to Have Triggered a New Upcuration

POOR – CEO of Arema FC, Agoes Soerjanto, asked all parties not to trigger new noise through the Satu Arema movement. The Mayor of Malang’s statement Sutiaji promised seven days to summon the Arema Foundation organ, the intention was considered good, but of course the Mayor of Malang would be wise to meet and talk directly with components related to Arema.

“Do not let new noise arise because of ignorance or lack of information regarding the root of the problem. Given that this Arema problem is an internal problem of the Arema household. It would be better for the Mayor of Malang to get information from various parties, particularly those directly involved in managing Arema, “he explained.

As the highest leader in Arema FC Management, Agoes feels the need to provide a response regarding Sutiaji’s statement, so that the public can better understand and Aremania can understand the real problem.

“Because it is related to Arema, although we focus on the desire to activate the Arema Foundation, of course, as direct stakeholders of Arema FC management, we need to feel responding and talking about this pride club issue,” he said.

Arema Has No Division

The Deputy General of GM FKPPI considered that Arema was not divided. “We have never clustered Arema’s existence, we actually respect and also support both Arema’s achievements. We build this Arema FC with full openness, please come to Arema FC, we will serve and open space for discussion for Arema’s progress. We never felt divided, but supported each other. I am originally from Arek Malang, there is no character or attitude of Arek Asli Malang who speaks or wants to split in various matters, let alone talk about Arema, “he said.

This is what should be known by public officials such as Mayor Sutiaji, giving seven days to summon the Foundation organ. For us, it has the potential to create new noise, if we misunderstand. The mayor should first understand the root of the problem, Agoes continued.

In fact, his party regretted the attitude of the mayor who immediately gave a warning to the two clubs, if there were parties who did not want to be united, then one of them was prohibited from using the facilities belonging to the Malang City Government.

“To whom, if it is addressed to us. The mayor’s statement is like a dichotomy of the current facts. Where we continue to maintain Arema’s existence by continuing to train and participate in official competitions. And so far, we use the facilities of the Malang City Government, we remain professional and keep paying, we contribute to PAD. But if there is a prohibition we cannot use these facilities. We are waiting for the official letter, we will be ready to run. We will not use the facilities belonging to the Malang City Government, “said Agoes.

Sutiaji’s Attitude Is Considered Selective Cutting

We also regret that Sutiaji’s attitude is like selective cutting against the demonstrators. “We are certainly proud of Aremania, who has been actively involved in protecting her city from perpetrators of anarchism. What is unfortunate is why the mayor of Malang did not meet the omnibus law demonstrators who were very provocative and committed acts of violence. What’s the matter with the Wali, “he said.

Agoes invites the discussion to be carried out properly, lest any party take advantage of this issue to clash between Arema and Aremania. “This is also related to internal legal issues in Arema, everything has legal responsibility. What Arema FC is doing now is its aim to compete and provide entertainment for the people. Sorry if we can tell you, until now we have not felt the active contribution of Malang City Government to Arema. On the other hand, Arema’s image is always used and used for the benefit of the leadership and the Malang City Government, “he said.

Moreover, Arema FC has been trying to maintain its survival in the midst of a pandemic where the competition was stopped because it did not have the crowd’s permission. “We face it all ourselves, we still pay contracts for players, coaches and employees in our condition that we don’t get income. We also want to keep Malang conducive. How do we actively help people in the midst of Covid 19 with social movements, from distributing health protocol equipment to basic food assistance, “he said.

Once again, continued Agoes, the problems within the Arema Foundation are not enough to give seven days to finish by checking with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, but it is necessary to carry out a thorough check on the root of the problem, so that the Mayor of Malang is objective, and the decision is still ultimately left to internal. Arema (wan / aka)


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