The Premier League TV deal leaves UK fans angry on Twitter

UK Premier League fans reacted angrily after a new pay-per-view fee was introduced that allows viewers to watch live football on television.

A contract was signed between the Premier League and its UK broadcast partners Sky Sports and BT Sports by October to broadcast all matches live as fans have banned stadiums due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The agreement ensured that all games would be televised and included in viewers’ subscriptions.

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Starting in October, the additional five games that were not originally intended to be shown live will be available for a fee of £ 14.95 per game.

Before that additional fee, a monthly subscription to Sky Sports was £ 33.99 while a BT Sport Pass was £ 25 a month.

After the news was released, fans announced their displeasure online and the hashtag #PremierLeagueisCorrupt was posted on Twitter in the UK.

Former Manchester United captain Gary Neville, himself a UK television expert for Sky Sports, wrote on Twitter: “This is a really bad Premier League move, charging £ 14.95 for individual games that have been shown for free for 6 months.”

Since the Premier League was founded in 1992/93, a selection of games has been selected every weekend to be broadcast live in the UK. However, most of the Saturday games were not available for television.

The UK government had said fans could return to the stadiums from October 1, but after a surge in coronavirus cases, that plan was abandoned.



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