Juventus, Matuidi speaks after the farewell: the background on Sarri

After three seasons at the Juventus , Blaise Matuidi has formalized the landing in Major League Soccer : will play in Inter Miami , club that sees David Beckham among the founding members. The Juventus experience will remain firm in the heart of the midfielder, who in a long interview with ‘L’Equipe’ ranged between different topics, attracting attention especially for a backstage linked to the now former Juventus coach Maurizio Sarri .

“From a personal point of view I have never had any problems with Sarri – said Matuidi -. He is a coach who works a lot on tactics to counter the opponent. I think it is a person shy . And then you know how difficult it is to be a coach. But if there is one thing that struck me, it was during the period of quarantine for Covid: I was in trouble and it surprised me , because he called me every day to get news. There I discovered the man “.

Matuidi, however, saw the field less than usual, especially in the final part of the season . The Frenchman, however, took on his responsibilities: “Sarri had to make choices, he made them in difficult times for everyone. There were different levels of preparation among the players. It was difficult, for me maybe a little bit more in the post-quarantine period ”.

“I think I was not in the best of form, the players lined up had shown in previous matches that they deserve the place – added the midfielder -. I don’t feel bitterness : I spent three wonderful years at Juve, where I played with great men “.

The Frenchman then revealed that he had not had any inkling of the arrival of Andrea Pirlo , also because he is busy with thoughts related to his own future: “As soon as I made my decision I went to the management of Juventus, who asked them to free me from my last year of contract. At that time there was no talk of a new coach , at least as far as I knew. The championship was not finished, we were still in the running Champions League “.

On his new destination, Matuidi added: “The first contact took place in December. A person related to Beckham he called me to ask if I was interested. At the time I thought it was too much presto in my career. There were Europeans arriving, the Covid did not exist. For me it was obvious that I would stay at Juventus. This person comes back to June telling me that the club is still very interested. David really wanted me to be the first Frenchman to wear his franchise colors ”.

“The imprisonment made me realize that I had to think about mine family – Matuidi added -. I already knew it was the most important thing to me, sure, but after it was locked up for two months with my wife and children, as I had never done in my entire career, the bond became even stronger. I told myself I really had to think about mine first sons , even if in Italy they were very well. I looked into my past, I retraced my career and I said to myself: ‘What are you looking for?’. Maybe it was time for change direction “.

One last thought dedicated to the champions with whom the Frenchman shared the locker room, with the club or in the national team: from Neymar a Mbappé , gives Griezmann a Ibrahimovic , until Cristiano Ronaldo : “They are all great at what they do. But if I have to say one I choose Cristiano , for what he has done in his career and continues to do today. Awesome. He’s getting old, it’s true and he’s aware of it too, but seeing him work, with that spirit of always wanting to be the best, is something I’ve never seen before “.


OMNISPORT | 16-08-2020 10:35

Fonte: Getty Images



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