Jēts and Grjazins win the 2nd and 3rd Latvian Rally Championship

Nikolai Grjazins

Within the framework of “Rally Liepāja”, the 2nd and 3rd stages of the Latvian Rally Championship were also held. On Saturday, the athletes demonstrated their mastery on the roads of Talsi, where the fastest was Estonian Rauls Jēts. Nikolai Gryazin was the convincing leader in the penultimate stage, but in the final stage of the day, the Russian driver crashed.

Raul Jēts. Photo: Reinis Grīnvalds

The second place was won by Edijs Bergmanis, but the third was Mārtiņš Sesks. Unsuccessful this stage gave way to Jānis Vorobjovs, who first received a penalty for premature start, but later broke the car wheel, which gave the fourth place at the finish. Fifth place absolutely and second in LRČ3 class for Reinis Nitišs. Unfortunately, in the first stage, Elviss Hermanis resigned due to an electronic defect, but in the second stage, Guntis Lielkājis crashed.

Photo: Ciedra Racing Team.

On Sunday, the third stage was just completed on the Liepāja side, where this time Grjazins was the fastest. Vorobyov lost a minute and seven seconds to him, and Jetas lost the third. Unfortunately, Edijs Bergmanis experienced the withdrawal, who, being in the second place, had an accident in the second stage. In the LRC3 class, after four stages, the leader was Mārtiņš Sesks, but then Sesks, after an impressive jump on the springboard, crossed the car’s radiator and withdrew. This allowed Gregor Jets to celebrate the victory in the class, who was ten seconds ahead of Nitis.

Photo: MVFoto

In the rally sprint test, where three stages had to be completed, the fastest was Uldis Lepiksons, ahead of Madars Dīriņš by 50 seconds. Meanwhile, Normunds Otomers was the fastest in the Historic Absolut test, who was almost two and a half minutes ahead of Artūrs Ozoliņš.

The final stage of the season in LRC will take place on the island of Saaremaa.

LRC 2nd stage results:

LRC 3rd stage results:

Rally sprint results:


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