Casar de Cáceres celebrates the IX Week of the Privilege of Sancho IV

Casar de Cáceres celebrates until next Sunday, February 12, the IX Week of the Privilege of Sancho IV, granted in the year 1291, as a consequence of the request of the inhabitants of Casar de Cáceres, for not having their own land to graze with the cattle, nor sow and for having to pay many taxes to the nobles of Cáceres.

That granting is considered the origin of the town’s municipal term and of the claim to have more dignified living conditions, ensuring a future for the descendants. An origin linked to the products of the land and cattle and especially to the Torta del Casar.

Thus, to commemorate this anniversary, various events will be organized during that week to publicize and commemorate the 732nd anniversary of the granting of the Privilege and the original document of the ratification of Carlos IV will be exhibited at the Casa de Cultura.

Specifically, the events begin this Wednesday, February 8, with the Café Histórico in the Casa de Cultura, at 7:00 p.m., an appointment to learn about the history of Alfonso de Castilla and Violante de Aragón.

This Thursday, the 9th, also at the Casa de Cultura, starting at 5:30 p.m., the seventh edition of the gastronomic tapas contest, ‘La cocina en miniatura’, will take place, which aims to incorporate innovation in traditional cuisine , taking into account gastronomic trends.

The program will continue on Friday the 10th with the VIII Sancho IV Awards Ceremony, and the twenty-eighth edition of the ‘Fotocasar’ photographic contest, which will take place at 8:00 p.m.

Already on Saturday, the 11th, the popular historical recreation will take place with a light and sound show about the Royal Privilege of Sancho IV, carried out by La Nave del Duende, under the direction of Pedro Luis López Bellot, with the collaboration of the group of ‘Perséfone’ theater, theater classrooms of the Popular University, Municipal Music Band, ‘Santuka’ Group, ‘Virgen del Prado’ Equestrian Association, residents of Casar de Cáceres. It will begin at 8:00 p.m. with a parade that will leave the Plaza de Sancho IV until it reaches the Plaza de España where the representation will be, according to the Casar de Cáceres City Council in a press release.

Finally, the ‘Half League Route, along the Borders of the Place’ will be held on Sunday, the 12th, with an 11-kilometre route through the lands granted by the Privilege and a 6-kilometre historical walk. The meeting will take place at 9:00 a.m. in the Plaza de Sancho IV where there will be breakfast for the participants and departure to the routes at 10:30 a.m.

There will also be a Historical Market, starting at 12:00 pm, in which the shopkeepers will offer the typical food and dishes of Casar de Cáceres, where there will be no shortage of crop, tripe and blood sausages, sausages, sweets, wine de pitarra and of course the Torta del Casar and you can also get to know the crafts of the area.

In the same way, there will be an archery workshop in the municipal swimming pool at 12:30 p.m. and a medieval tournament with an exhibition of weapons from the time at 3:00 p.m., in the Plaza de Sancho IV. The day will end with a performance by local artists, Rodry Rey and Tocando Techo.


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