NBA star Draymond Green smacks teammate Jordan Pool in practice

Here fists fly instead of balls

Beating scandal: NBA star knocks out teammates in training

Draymond Green in Aktion, IMAGO/USA TODAY Network, IMAGO/Darren Yamashita

Bad breath for the basketball players of the NBA team Golden State Warriors! Instead of balls, the troops from Oakland flew their fists in training. Draymond Green smacked his teammate Jordan Pool badly.

Pool goes swimming in fistfight

In boxing, one speaks of a “right hand lead” when one fighter misses the other with a right fist without any connection. With a view to the beating scandal in the training of the Golden State Warriors, the term “sucker punch” also fits, which translates as sneaky because unexpected attack.

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TMZ released a video showing the scene at Warriors training. Green and Jordan clash. Jordan (1.93 m) pushes the taller Greene (1.98 m) away, after which he “uses” his reach and suddenly strikes. Jordan goes down before teammates intervene.

Since someone with the warriors (warriors) has probably misunderstood something.


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